Stake Your Top Shot Moments 💡
The First Mint
Featuring Today’s Pack Drops, New Challenge Changes, A Staking Proposal, $APE Coin and More

Good Morning, NFT Friends! Happy Thursday — hope your week has been a great one! It’s finally starting to feel like Spring out here in Chicago, and it’s amazing what a little Vitamin D can do. Maybe an NFT summer is right around the corner?
Let’s get into all the action from the last few days:

More Packs 📦
That week without Top Shot packs flew by, huh?
If you recall, the team planned to take a break from drops after the early March All-Star Packs:
After that drop, we will take the following week off from Pack drops to take a look at the data, which will inform our Pack drops for the remainder of March. We look forward to sharing updates with you all in the next few weeks.
That week has come and gone, and we’ve got more packs TODAY — with some new changes based on analysis from the previous drops.
Details on today’s three pack releases:
Thursday, March 17 @ 10 AM PST
Cost: 25 Trade Tickets
Requirement: CS of 4000+
20,000 total packs available
5 Moments: 3 guaranteed S3 Base Set, 1 guaranteed Common LE, with the 5th Moment being from the Common LE, Rare, or Legendary tier
Thursday, March 17 @ 12 PM PST
Cost: 7 Trade Tickets
Requirement: None
37,500 total packs available
3 Moments. 2 guaranteed S3 Base Set, with the 3rd Moment being from the Common, Common LE, Rare, or Legendary tier
Thursday, March 17 @ 2 PM PST
Cost: $14
Requirement: None
25,000 total Packs Available
3 Moments: 2 guaranteed to be S3 Base Set with the 3rd Moment being from the Common, Common LE, Rare, or Legendary tier
The main tweak from past drops is the pack contents, with Elite Packs now featuring two guaranteed LEs:
Learning from February’s Elite Pack drops, we’re beefing up these packs to contain two guaranteed Limited Edition Moments.
One of the five slots in the pack will be a guaranteed Limited Edition Fresh Threads, while the other will come with a chance of being either a Legendary, a Rare or a second Fresh Threads Moment.

Challenge Corner 🏆
Pack Drops aren’t the only Top Shot area seeing some tweaks — a new blog released Wednesday detailed some welcome changes to the website UI and teased some future innovations.
Most notable was the new ‘challenge builder’:
We can roll-out new Challenge formats that require more than 10 Moments to complete, creating even more fun and creative ways to play and earn
Play and earn, you say?!? Wen Hardcourt?
Seeing challenges with 10+ moments could get a bit wild, and we might get some challenge rewards with minuscule completion totals — though with current sentiment, I’m not sure anyone’s going wild over it.
Something that users would go wild over— staking. Check out this great proposal from @mikeaway, which details a system that would help reward holding while taking supply off the market:
Staking is a way of reducing supply by making the moment ineligible to be listed on the marketplace. To encourage staking, a reward is offered for the loss of flexibility. The owner of the staked…
While I’m sure there are tweaks and changes that could be made to make this idea more feasible, these are the type of wholesale changes needed to really turn around the Top Shot market. The Trade Ticket implementation was a good start, but let’s keep the innovation train rolling! In Top Shot’s case, it’s often laying the track while the train is in motion:

Ape Coin Incoming 🦍
We got some MAJOR news on Wednesday that could prove to be a market-altering event — the long awaited drop of $APE from the Bored Ape Yacht Club:
Introducing ApeCoin ($APE), a token for culture, gaming, and commerce used to empower a decentralized community building at the forefront of web3. 🧵
The next few days could get wild in the NFT space, with a large amount of liquidity entering the market as Ape/Mutant/Dog owners cash in their tokens, and other users purchase $APE to enter the BAYC ecosystem.
It’ll also be interesting to see the market action, with $APE launching on all of the major exchanges (and with coordinated messaging from Coinbase, FTX, Binance, and every other exchange you can imagine).
Between the purchase of CryptoPunks, a controversial land sale announcement, and now $APE, the BAYC has certainly dominated headlines in the NFT space of late.
And with some seriously heavy hitters on the board (Alexis Ohanian, Co-founder of Reddit and Yat Siu, Co-founder of Animoca Brands, amongst others) and a future roadmap full of exciting innovation, it doesn’t feel like the BAYC will be fading away any time soon.

TFM x BookMate 💸

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Around The First Mint 🗣
🎧 We Are All Explorers (Feat. Jasmine Maietta)
Thanks for reading! — Zach @ The First Mint
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